Acetone - What is it

Acetone is a commonly used solvent, highly flammable and volatile. A volatile substance is a substance that evaporates quickly. Acetone is often used as an extraction agent due to its miscibility with water and oil. During extraction, some substances dissolve in a liquid and other substances do not. The method is based on the difference in solubility. In terms of smell, most users do not have pleasant associations with it.

Due to the high vapor pressure, it is classified as a VOC. It is also used as a flavour enhancer in the food industry and is found in products we use every day. Think of paint, plastic, fibres, sunscreen, and even medicines.

Various dilutions are available. Pure acetone, also known as propanone, DMK and dimethyl ketone. This pure acetone has a purity of 99.99%. 


Acetone applications

Acetone is a cleaning agent and, like thinner, is often used as a degreaser, but also as a cleaning agent for tools that still contain silicone or polyester residue. It also works well at removing glue and adhesive residue. Paint residues can also be easily removed. Due to its dissolving power, it can also be used as a paint thinner. That is also the reason why acetone can cause dull stains on paint and plastic and is also better not to be used on acrylic and chlorinated fibers.


What is acetylene?

Acetylene, also called ethyne, is an active gas and is highly flammable. It is created when mixing calcium carbide with water. Under pressure, it can cause large explosions when it encounters fire. Then the elements carbon and hydrogen are released. This is the reason that acetylene is stored in an acetone solution in an acetylene bottle. This is also called acetylene dissous. This gas must be handled very carefully.

Although acetone itself is flammable, it is widely used as a solvent for the safe transportation and storage of acetylene. Acetylene cannot be safely pressurized. Vessels with a porous material are first filled with acetone, followed by acetylene, which then dissolves in the acetone. One liter of acetone can dissolve approximately 250 liters of acetylene.


What is acetate?

Acetate is a substance formed by the reaction of acetic acid with an alcohol. Acetate is used in industrial applications. Consider making plastics and solvents. Many contaminants can be removed with acetates.


Dangers of acetone

The most dangerous property of acetone is its flammability. Special regulations for storage therefore apply. When mixed with air in gaseous form, acetone can pose a fire and explosion hazard. For example, if a leaking packaging eats away at the packaging of another substance. These substances may react with each other, which in turn means additional danger. For this reason, all kinds of requirements have been imposed on the storage of hazardous substances. It is therefore worthwhile to use safe alternatives such as Safeco Fresh.